Managing DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) for a network with huge range of clients and specific branches or section of a co or etc in Linux requires careful planning and configuration to ensure efficient IP address assignment and network management. Here’s a high-level overview of setting up DHCP in Linux for such a network:
To configure a Linux server as a DHCP server for five network IP ranges with specific Ethernet interfaces and enable routing between these networks, you’ll need to set up DHCP services and configure IP routing. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Identify Network IP Ranges and Ethernet Interfaces:

Let’s assume:

  • Network 1: (eth0)
  • Network 2: (eth1)
  • Network 3: (eth2)
  • Network 4: (eth3)
  • Network 5: (eth4)

2. Install DHCP Server on Linux:

Install the DHCP server package, such as isc-dhcp-server.

3. Configure DHCP Server:

Edit the DHCP configuration file /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf to define DHCP pools for each network range and associate them with specific Ethernet interfaces:

Also you can use this template:

Note that you have to configure additional options like default gateway, DNS servers, lease duration, etc., as per your network requirements.

4. IP Forwarding and Routing:

Enable IP forwarding to allow routing between the networks:

Assign IP addresses to the specified Ethernet interfaces for each subnet:

Note that thease IP addressing is temporary and for configure ethernets IP addresses on Linux Server you can see here

5. Routing Configuration:

Set up routing rules to ensure traffic can flow between the subnets:


  • Replace the example subnets (192.168.x.0/24) and interface names (eth0, eth1, etc.) with your actual network details.
  • Ensure DHCP server configurations and subnet definitions match your network setup.
  • Adjust routing rules based on the specific connectivity requirements between the subnets.
  • Always validate and test configurations in a controlled environment before applying them to a production network.

Monitoring and Logging:

Also We can use Linux bridge utilities to create virtual bridges to connect networks. This allows the server to function similarly to switches. See here

Instead of Level 5 (Routing) We can use alternative methods for more you can take a look here

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