To define which range of local IP addresses remote clients using VPN will receive from a Linux server, you’ll typically configure this within the VPN server settings. Here’s a general approach using OpenVPN as an example:

OpenVPN Configuration:

  • Access OpenVPN Server Configuration: Edit the OpenVPN server configuration file, often found at /etc/openvpn/server.conf.
  • Define IP Pool for Remote Clients: Use the server directive to specify the IP range for remote clients. For example:

This example assigns IP addresses from the range to to remote clients connecting via VPN.

  • Push Routes to Clients (if needed): If clients need to access specific subnets or resources in your local network, use the push directive to push routes to the clients. For instance:

This pushes the route for the subnet to the connecting clients.

  • Enable IP Forwarding: Ensure that IP forwarding is enabled on the Linux server. Follow the steps mentioned earlier to enable IP forwarding (net.ipv4.ip_forward=1).


  • The IP range ( in the example) can be adjusted to fit your network’s requirements.
  • Ensure that the defined IP range for VPN clients does not conflict with your local network’s existing IP addresses.
  • Always secure the VPN server properly, configure firewall rules, and apply necessary security measures to protect the VPN connections and your network.

The exact steps may differ based on the VPN software you’re using. Adjustments might be needed based on your specific VPN server software and its configuration settings. Refer to the documentation specific to your VPN software for more detailed configuration options.

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