configuring a Linux machine to function as a router involves several steps to enable packet forwarding, set up IP addresses on interfaces, and manage routing tables. Here’s an outline to establish a Linux system as a router.

Implement firewall rules to allow/deny traffic as per your network requirements using iptables or firewalld. Set up routing rules using iptables or firewalld to allow traffic between the networks:

Using iptables:

Using firewalld:

Enable IP Forwarding:

Edit /etc/sysctl.conf to enable IP forwarding persistently:

Uncomment or add the line:

Enable IPv6 Forwarding (Optional):

If dealing with IPv6, enable IPv6 forwarding too by:

Reload sysctl configurations:

Configure Routing:

Configure NAT (Network Address Translation):

Enable NAT to allow internal networks to access external networks via iptables:

Replace eth_external with the external-facing interface (the interface connected to the external network).


  • Adjust the IP addresses, subnet masks, and interface names according to your network setup.
  • Ensure the Linux machine has at least two network interfaces to function effectively as a router.
  • Validate each step and test connectivity between networks to ensure proper routing and connectivity.
  • This setup assumes the Linux machine has connectivity to external networks and is capable of forwarding packets between internal networks and the internet.

Always ensure that the Linux router is configured in compliance with security best practices and only allows necessary traffic between networks. Testing and validation in a controlled environment before deploying in production are crucial.

If you want to make a linux machine be like a cisco router to use to build a Linux system that can serve as an OSPF and BGP router.

Forthermore information in here

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