Using SSH for backup

In this example, we make a backup copy of the files in the remote_serious_files folder located on the server and place them in our system as backup.tar.gz: (We enter this command on the server)

#tar -zcvf - /remote_serious_files/ |ssh [email protected] "cat >/root/backup.tar.gz"

Using SSH Tunnel

With the help of SCP, We can transfer files in the SSH tunnel (Secure than first method)

#scp /root/file.deb root@[ServerIPAddress]:/root/file.deb

Transfer file from client to server

Transferring the amir.jpg file from the server to the client:

#scp root@[ServerAddress]:/root/amir.jpg /Users/dearuser/Desktop/

Transfer Directory from client to server

#scp -r /home root@[SeverAddress]:/root/

File transfer from one server to another

#scp root@[SourceServerAddress]:/home/amir.jpg root@[DestinationServerAddress]:/home/

By default, the SCP service uses the 3des protocol for encryption. You can increase the transmission speed by changing this protocol to blowfish

#scp -c blowfish /root/squed.conf root@[DestinationAddress]:/etc/squed3/

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